The Holls - January/February/March/April 2010
January 1, 2010: Stanley plays in the tent & tunnel from Uncle Buck
January 7, 2010: Sarah dolls up Bonnie.
January 7, 2010: "I said 'TAKE IT OFF'"
January 8, 2010: Cousin Owen & Stanley - the boys have to stick together
January 12, 2010: Sarah dresses Bonnie up in the "fancy dress"
January 12, 2010: Scuba-ballerina?
January 14, 2010: Life with sisters - a tutu & a tractor
January 18, 2010: Too many mint juleps?
January 21, 2010: This is called the alphabet train
January 21, 2010: "If I could just reach that yogurt....."
January 21, 2010: Smile!
January 23, 2010: Once baby can crawl, secure garbage before going to the bathroom.
January 26, 2010: Rub-a-dub-dub; this is a crowded tub
January 28, 2010: OMG all 3 kids are smiling & looking at the camera!
January 28, 2010: Bonnie likes that we baby-sit Cousin Owen a couple times a week.
January 28, 2010: Cousin Owen is not so sure about the crazy antics at our house.
February 3, 2010 - Sarah is the leader at preschool & celebrates her birthday.
February 4, 2010 - Sarah is 5!! Birthday dinner at Culvers.
February 4, 2010 - Bonnie isn't too sure about the custard.
February 4, 2010 - Sarah's birthday present: going to see Disney On Ice with Mommy.
February, 4, 2010 - We decided to blink on purpose this time.
February 6, 2010 - Sarah's birthday party. Kiki made the cake!!
February 6, 2010 - Sarah got some great birthday presents; and was particularly excited about The Little Mermaid movie.
February 6, 2010
February 10, 2010 - Crafty Sarah works hard on her sticker-mosiac.
February 10, 2010 - Cousin Owen!!
February 12, 2010 - Sarah takes care of the preschool bear for a week.
February 10, 2010 - "Hahahaha...Mommy, you're hilarious!"
February 17, 2010 - Dinner party! Sarah, Stanley, Emily & Katie
February 19, 2010 - Bringing the preschool bear back (in the backpack)
February 19, 2010 - Reporting on the activities of the bear while with Sarah
February 20, 2010 - Sarah's first visit to Build-a-Bear. Thanks Aunt Terese & Cousin Meredith!!
February 20, 2010 - Sarah's bear, Sparkles, is ready to go!
February 26, 2010 - Bonnie & Owen exchange an unusual greeting.
February 26, 2010 - Owen & Bonnie - bound to be buddies.
![]() March 11, 2010 - Frosty has left the building
![]() March 11, 2010 - Trying to get a good shot of Bonnie
![]() March 14, 2010 - Bonnie helps Uncle Steve play cards.
![]() March 16, 2010 - It's warm enough to play outside - Yay!!
![]() March 16, 2010 - Stanley is conducting experiments in the sandbox.
![]() March 18, 2010 - I knew it was too quiet in the kitchen!
![]() March 21, 2010 - Sarah's Ocean artwork from preschool.
![]() March 21, 2010 - Trying to get a shot of the big purple bruise on Bonnie's head. The perils of crawling.
![]() March 25, 2010 - Sarah's lego creation.
March 25, 2010 - Bonnie & Mommy
March 27, 2010 - Stanley at Tumbling class
March 28, 2010 - Bonnie bottomed-out & rocked out in Cousin Owen's seat.
April 2, 2010 - Three swinging kids
April 4, 2010 - Happy Easter!!
April 4, 2010 - LOTS of kids enjoy Miss Nora's visit with the bunnies
April 4, 2010 - Sarah says "Thank you" to Grandpa T for the Easter basket
April 4, 2010 - Cousin Steve & Bonnie get along splendidly (although, beard is still weird)
April 4, 2010 - Cousin Dave leads Sarah & Stanley through some math exercises.
April 10, 2010 - Bonnie finds the onions.
April 15, 2010 - Our tax deduction is nearly a year old!
April 17, 2010 - Congratulations on your wedding Cousin Tom & Tessa!!
April 17, 2010 - Cousin Owen (with Uncle Justin) asleep after the wedding ceremony.
April 17, 2010 - Snoozing babies: Bonnie & Cousin Owen
April 17, 2010 - Sarah cutting a rug at the reception. Uncle Mike & Aunt Judy in the background.
April 17, 2010 - Stanley & Mommy - he just wanted to go home.
April 17, 2010 - Grandma Moore & Bonnie
April 17, 2010 - Sarah & the newly weds!!
April 21, 2010 - "Who's touching me??": Sawyer Wolf & Bonnie
April 28, 2010 - Sarah at her ballet recital rehearsal
April 28, 2010 - More rehearsal - Tap dancing to "Yankee Doodle"
April 28, 2010 - Big Finish!
April 29, 2010 - Stan as distracted giraffe
April 29, 2010 - Four kids at the zoo: Stanley, Bonnie, Sarah, & Cousin Owen
April 29, 2010 - Bonnie makes a chair out of Cousin Owen
April 30, 2010 - After Sarah's recital - what a crowd! Grandma Holl, Cousin Melissa, Aunt Sue, Grandma Moore, Aunt Terese
Craig R. Holl - -